
Be a part of the extraordinary success of IASA.


Our mission—to develop and foster Excellence, Leadership and Community Service among Israel’s best and brightest students—is both essential and effective.

IASA students make the very most of the extraordinary education they receive. Fully 25% of our graduates earn PhDs (compared to 1.3% nationally), and many others become accomplished leaders in business, government, the arts and the military. IASA graduates are at the nexus of virtually every important field of endeavor in the nation, and their achievements strengthen Israel.


Your involvement is needed.

While every effort is made to reduce costs and develop revenue sources where possible (for example, from the rental of facilities), the cost of education at IASA exceeds the tuition charged and the funding received from the Ministry of Education. Seventy percent of our students deserve and receive scholarship assistance, which is indispensable to achieving our goal of a diverse student population.

Join us in helping to achieve our vision of developing outstanding leaders, strengthening Israel's education system and securing her future.

Please contact us to join as a member of the IASA family.